Two demonstrations on the same island, allegedly asking the same thing. Which go? Some keys to choose well.
The idea was born last year: a youth group and Inekaren Azarug, drove in Tenerife holding an independence demonstration in La Laguna, to celebrate Flag Day. For it to be a unitary act, inviting all groups and individuals independence spectrum, for a demonstration without acronyms. The fact was novel and was a resounding success. The same approach flew to Gran Canaria. The demonstration in principle had to convene during the month of October, but was finally made on 6 March. They returned to come thousands of people, but the initial idea unit was mortally wounded. The keys to the weakening of the unit, attempt to explain below.
At the conclusion of the demonstration of 24-O in 2009, media interviewed Antonio Cubillo, who was at the end of the course. These statements filled videos of youtube , news headlines and appeared to those who were demonstrating little less than what they were asking is Cubillo as president. He in turn did not avoid the pull and accompanied by their usual supports, is magnified with the help of the newspaper The Day The other sector of the press stated that everything went Tenerife newspaper and the leader of CNC and all others danced to them. This was not true, but called "inter-class" , I thought and tried to drive around at will.
Aguere After the demonstration, intensified the idea of \u200b\u200banother in Gran Canaria, but not for the October 22, 2010, but on 6 March. Remaining months ahead, but it was the less risky. Organizations and people left were summoned independence late, wrong and decided after many of the most important issues. He turned to make a demonstration was a success, but in meetings to prepare things did not go in a convenient way, including disrespect toward certain people and the blatant use of a group of people.
So the idea of Azarug and Inekaren was to begin efforts to convene a new focus on Aguere October 2010 and began working this line for more than four months. When called, hours later convened another in Santa Cruz, signed by the alleged "Assembly in Unity for Decolonisation and Independence" . The question now is clear: who are the that divide?
Finally the issue has been the case: in Aguere be concentrated independence left youth organizations (Azarug and Inekaren), the left parties (UP and ANC) national unions of classes (IC and FSOC) and people with no political affiliation, but that is left. In Santa Cruz will meet the CNC, MUPC, people related to insularity newspaper El Día, some puppies of the Canarian Coalition Youth and some trade union sectors, hard to explain. Competition appears to be rather childish, but the separation of left with the most reactionary sectors of the independence canary is an interesting and necessary challenge. A few people find it enjoyable to share representation with a leader who speaks out of date almost as president of the Canaries, with a priest who says he does yoga Guanche and that condoms cause cancer or a singer who has always been rather less successful, including colorful characters.
For all this and more, ask for a necessary debate about which is the most serious or who divides and who not. Allegations of police, fake independence and other adjectives for style, have been exposed to the most regressive of the independence Islands. The eternal class struggle, the eternal debate between workers and bourgeois or their apprentices, the eternal dispute between staff and the collective. The Fortress of Knowledge is clear: the world on 23 October Aguere.
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