sweeter Another qualifier I fall short. The private channel again distinguished by their chamberguismo and in this case by his audacity. On Tuesday night, as they came threatening for some time, issued a series on the accident of Barajas August 2008 that killed 154 people, most of them in the Canaries.
Without a court order to ascertain the facts and the wound still Open the affected families, the English channel has ignored the pleas of both the families of the victims and many of the islands' society. The "materialistic desire" , as well as qualify Association of People Affected Flight JK5022, has been more than common sense. It seems that Telecinco want to act as judge and said that his TV movie can help the investigation into the tragic event. Mixing fiction and reality, it seems a way of trying to reconstruct the facts, except that Telecinco has gained experience in litigation, given the debates that emerged among the little characters that populate the sets in the chain.
The series already issued and respect for the victims trampled. Content must be in the offices of the private channel, having hurt so many people. The profits will be fat, that's for sure. The old saying that's pain caused backfires. Open your ears that these gentlemen to the voice of our elders.
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