day we boiled in Santos
On Monday we went from Lençois Paulista to Santos, the city of Lucilia. This on the coast, 70 km from São Paulo. Lucilia and Paulo are moving to live there now, so we took our tour, to download the 2 cars there, and Lucilia hidden for some reason we do not know, lol, do not want to leave his Paulo and we had to go to Marta and me in his car, by themselves, by brasileiras highways, I as a driver and co-rider Martita, lol More than 400 km, in recent Lucilia came with us, with the promise that was to lead, but he did ... just until I called my dear Nachete and caught me driving! and then change it, hehe
When we arrived at Santos, the heat was tremendous ... Martita that we were happy and I ... HEAT, HEAT ... so we keep all the clothes we had brought winter, and we went to dinner at Lucilia's sister and her 3 nephews ... ate lasagna and shark, that rich! then we went for a walk along the beach, was 24 degrees! happening ...
When we walked along the beach, we met a group of fishermen who were digging a network of 500 meters! full of fish that we were teaching. It was amazing, the amount of people there, until they were dressed in suits ... and recording it and everything. Lucilia says that he had never seen ... his mother still can not believe it, lol
We all plans for the week, but ...
On Tuesday when we got up it was raining, I say rain was pouring, and thus spent the whole week until Friday we went ... The rain did not stop for a minute, well yes, stopped when we were having dinner somewhere or a drink ... yes! ay ay ay
Still did a lot of things in Saint went to the bag of coffee (Mahillo, you do not know what I bought? hehe ), walked in the bonde (tram tour), went to São Vicente (was where the first Portuguese) by visiting the Biquinha (a font that is very old), went to the museum's team of Santos, where Pele played, went to a slum area in the nose of São Bento, aquarium, and saw a lot of times the "premises tortos (crooked buildings, by the movement of the earth, is amazing). We also went to Guaruja raft, which has beaches that are a nice pass ... BUT ALL WE DID IT RAINING!
out to dinner, dancing, the truth is that even with the rain we had a great time ... Lucilia
Thanks for passing me these days ... you are great! and Pablito, looks a lot like this menina, eh??
and Savior on Friday we came ...
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