Monday, October 11, 2010

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OPINION: Reflections on the manifestations of

Two demonstrations on the same island, allegedly asking the same thing. Which go? Some keys to choose well.

The idea was born last year: a youth group and Inekaren Azarug, drove in Tenerife holding an independence demonstration in La Laguna, to celebrate Flag Day. For it to be a unitary act, inviting all groups and individuals independence spectrum, for a demonstration without acronyms. The fact was novel and was a resounding success. The same approach flew to Gran Canaria. The demonstration in principle had to convene during the month of October, but was finally made on 6 March. They returned to come thousands of people, but the initial idea unit was mortally wounded. The keys to the weakening of the unit, attempt to explain below.

At the conclusion of the demonstration of 24-O in 2009, media interviewed Antonio Cubillo, who was at the end of the course. These statements filled videos of youtube , news headlines and appeared to those who were demonstrating little less than what they were asking is Cubillo as president. He in turn did not avoid the pull and accompanied by their usual supports, is magnified with the help of the newspaper The Day The other sector of the press stated that everything went Tenerife newspaper and the leader of CNC and all others danced to them. This was not true, but called "inter-class" , I thought and tried to drive around at will.

Aguere After the demonstration, intensified the idea of \u200b\u200banother in Gran Canaria, but not for the October 22, 2010, but on 6 March. Remaining months ahead, but it was the less risky. Organizations and people left were summoned independence late, wrong and decided after many of the most important issues. He turned to make a demonstration was a success, but in meetings to prepare things did not go in a convenient way, including disrespect toward certain people and the blatant use of a group of people.

So the idea of Azarug and Inekaren was to begin efforts to convene a new focus on Aguere October 2010 and began working this line for more than four months. When called, hours later convened another in Santa Cruz, signed by the alleged "Assembly in Unity for Decolonisation and Independence" . The question now is clear: who are the that divide?

Finally the issue has been the case: in Aguere be concentrated independence left youth organizations (Azarug and Inekaren), the left parties (UP and ANC) national unions of classes (IC and FSOC) and people with no political affiliation, but that is left. In Santa Cruz will meet the CNC, MUPC, people related to insularity newspaper El Día, some puppies of the Canarian Coalition Youth and some trade union sectors, hard to explain. Competition appears to be rather childish, but the separation of left with the most reactionary sectors of the independence canary is an interesting and necessary challenge. A few people find it enjoyable to share representation with a leader who speaks out of date almost as president of the Canaries, with a priest who says he does yoga Guanche and that condoms cause cancer or a singer who has always been rather less successful, including colorful characters.

For all this and more, ask for a necessary debate about which is the most serious or who divides and who not. Allegations of police, fake independence and other adjectives for style, have been exposed to the most regressive of the independence Islands. The eternal class struggle, the eternal debate between workers and bourgeois or their apprentices, the eternal dispute between staff and the collective. The Fortress of Knowledge is clear: the world on 23 October Aguere.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Many Calories Does A School Lunch Have

this day in Salvador Part 7: We know the city

Well, if we work hard and when we left it was almost night, we have made much of the time we were in that great city ... was also an opportunity to change this great shirt that we had on all sides, hehe. On weekends we used to go to pass it to a nearby city, so we had to know Salvador on weekdays, if only we had wanted to sleep, lol

Our benchmark for coming home was always the Golden Tulip hotel .. . What joy when we saw him! so we had to take pictures ... hehe

And I do not want to advertising, but to explain the joy I felt at seeing ...
hehe Well, we've done a lot of things have gone to the theater to see Paulet, we walked through the Pelourinho, and Barra, on the beach and its promenade to the lighthouse, we visited the Mercado Modelo to buy and buy souvenirs we visited the Senhor do Bomfim to ask for good wishes to you all, we ate an ice cream parlor in the most famous in Ribeira, we visited all the larger shopping Salvador (something you have to do if you want to feel brasileiro ... customs, hehe), we ate acarajé in ca da Cira, drank beer in Rio Vermelho, tapioca eating, we went to a ceremony Candoble we visited Adriana Forte São Marcelo, evening concerts and batucadas Tuesday in Pelourinhoy Pipoca have eaten all the posts that we met, what service!

We have also spent the day waiting for ônibus (bus) or within ... it took so long to arrive, coming up people to sell sweets, ...

well, I'll rest, I've been here all day typing ... I promise to finish tomorrow! ciao

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today in Salvador Part 6: donations

Well, this is the last of volunteering ... and one of the most important things ... everything we thank many of you.
Among the chocolate and other donations we have more than 1300 euros and over 40 kilos of clothes and school supplies.
When we go to Brazil, we loaded like mules ... of the two suitcases that we had each, we had half past one filled with things to give: Clothing and school supplies. Arriving in São Paulo, pack and mail it to Salvador, because our flight was there, we could not carry so much luggage. Well, before sending him to accompany us Lençois Paulist Sao Paulo because we did not have time for anything ...

Salvador When we just arrived and were able to distribute the packets in the nursery and the school ... the amount of things we carry! my mother ... in the nursery just had paints, markers ... I loved the boxes of crayons so that we ... We also deal with families clothes and school supplies were carried home. In high school repartirmos to each child a notebook to have your notebook English ... a good memory of a great experience ...

With all the money that we bought lot of things, considering that the minimum wage there is $ 200, imagine what we got done there. We went twice to buy. The first time, buy more school supplies and a blackboard, corkboard, ... and plenty of food and diapers for children.

The 2 nd time only buy food, lots and lots of food: rice, beans, flour, chicken, coffee, milk, biscuits, ... because we saw what they really needed. This institution giving food aid worldwide, to mothers of children in the store, when do meetings, parties, excursions, ... Food is always the ultimate goal, they eat ... Also buy diapers for the kids.

On both occasions we also bought diapers for the father of one child, Felipe. We told the story and do not hesitate to try to help as we could. The boy, less than 30 years, apart from having the AIDS virus has tuberculous meningitis, and takes quite some time unable to walk and does not move the sofa in his tiny home. We bought diapers, and went to visits. In addition to lead it, we took a smile, then tears of joy, sadness while ... uff! were so many feelings we had at that time ... especially grief and powerless to help you more, you can not get away ... Her child was always sad and crying in school ... and we get it because ...

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today in Salvador Part 5: Work on the street

Wednesdays we focus on the street, and did various projects.
given food every 15 days on the street, in different parts of the city. That's what we did on the first Wednesday that I told you in the first inning of volunteering (the hardest of all), and also the birthday of the father Alfredo, who only made a stop.
Once a month, they met with mothers and their children in a park city, to talk about the sexually transmitted disease that can get them out of the baby care ... to reach and took a small boat after the talks, and we ate all gave them bags of food (rice, beans ,...) to take him home.
And the other is Wednesday, we met a group Hope, a group of AIDS patients, where the doctor told them about how to improve your quality of life, and prevent contagion ... The people of this group, was also in social risk. A pity, because it had young families in the talks, with small ...

This is already hung the pictures ... I have not many more ...

On Thursday night, every 15 days, going to sex workers, to bring prophylaxis, hot coffee, sandwiches ... and especially to talk to them. Many were transvestites and transsexuals ... We had all their problems, how they lived and how they worked, how they got to this situation ... Another ordeal too.

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today in Salvador Part 4: Spanish classes

the English classes we took in a public school, where he was assigned a part the institution to develop the Teen Apprentice Project. The project was to provide children at risk and that they had finished their studies, initial training for 2 months and working for 2 years receiving at the time, training one day a week. We participate in continuing education, with 3 groups of adolescents.
The school, school in Brazil, Marques de Maricá, was in another name Paimudo periphery, not so great at first glance like Pernambues, but I really do not know. The Institute was at the bottom of a hill to climb impossible ... arrived with his tongue out every day ... was endless! and every day and pa'bajo pa'rriba ... the worst thing in the heat was unbearable upload ... the slope is seen in one of these photos ...

The institute was typical of the films in the Bronx ... with gates, all descuidadísimo ... but I was very happy there ... was all I did what I liked.

also met there with our great friend Paulete ... and all the people who worked there was lovely: Rejane, Brisa, Barbara, Sun, Clara, ...

I love teaching English ... I really enjoyed talking with them, learning from them ... because we taught them English, but they taught us what life is difficult to them ... were happy that two English girls were taught in their English holiday ... sang many songs in English, we role play, talk, talk, talk ... and learned a lot. When you buy a English dictionary, at half time there were kids that were left out in the yard leafing through dictionaries ... AWESOME ... what classes were 4 hours and were followed ... uff! Just like that here!

I love to be talked in your life, what "good" that existed in Spain ... were surprised that at our age, we are single, living alone and we have to hope to marry and have children ... Life there is totally different. Within the groups we are pregnant, married, mothers, ... only 18 or 20 years. But they were very proud of his life, his beliefs, ... one of the first words we said that we say in English was the FAVELA. I think it's something you are so into it is difficult to get out. Another funny thing was when we gave the professions, we asked how it was "dealer."

And as strange and funny thing was that one of the groups we said we were of Vallade and a rose and said: REDUCED THIS YEAR HAVE A 2 °! hehe
Here you can see photos of groups:



now because of these adorable guys, besides being the tuenti facebook and I am the ORKUT! ay ay ay