Friday, November 20, 2009

Sample Invitation Paper To My Father To Usa

The cronyism between Spain and Morocco, prevents a just solution to Haidar

As all will be able to find out, came about a month ago to Lanzarote Airport, the Sahrawi independence Aminetou Haidar. This has reopened the discussion on Sahara and the relations between Spain and Morocco. Morocco continues to repress the Saharawi people to resist colonialism Alawite. Spain cuts both ways: on the one hand, liberals act as an advocate for the Sahrawi independence, especially by various artists sympathetic to the PSOE . Moreover, Spain is doing business with weapons and has Alawite monarchy in Morocco, as one of its allies. However, here no longer even discussed issues of international relations and the responsibility of Spain and its former colony, but of human rights. A woman on a hunger strike, near death for defending the legitimate right his country to self-determination and there is no international body to protect him.

already known as the Sahrawi Gandhi, still Guacimeta, waiting to return to their rightful country, detained against their will and a health concern. Last Friday was about to fly to their country, but ultimately did not allow Morocco. The video that I put below summarizes what has happened to the activist since he arrived in the Canaries.

Aminetou Haider and Freedom for the People Sahara.


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