Saturday, February 13, 2010

How Much Does An Average Gravestone Cost

OPINION: Heating

absence of less than a month for the Second March for decolonization and independence, this time in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, all possible actors, heat engines. On 6 March, will be a day when the continuing history of the different sectors of the islands' society, will be back in struggle: on one hand the people who fight and defend their national rights and other reactionary society, guided grateful stomachs, who call themselves journalists.

Actually, I believe that these sectors will never cease to be in control. The fight began when he was born ideological nationalism, led by Secundino Delgado and reflected in the Ateneo of La Laguna and the most conservative, reacted to it, fearful of losing their position. We can even go back in time, and based a little romance, extrapolate the beginning of the struggle at the time of the first European invasion of our country. This has been intensified throughout the twentieth century, especially from the early 70, where fascism was dying, but began a period of tight bourgeois neoliberalism, in which we stand and where the limited English Constitution, which Bible obsolete, oppressive patterns mark a class system in general and culturally racist with the nationalities English State, among which is the Canary Islands.

In a society traditionally servile cacique and depoliticized, the resurgence of the idea with the arrival sovereigntist turnista scheme, around half of the 70, has destabilized the conservative English . His answer has always been repressor: murder, clubbed in demonstrations, judicial harassment, ridicule and harassment of media, have been the fates of the canary who fight for their inalienable freedom. Remember as examples, the murder of Lorenzo García Bartolomé Somosierra, Tenerife. A Civil Guard officer shot him more than thirty times and yet was acquitted and even remained in the body. The press in turn, justified the murder that was mistaken for Whitey, which seemed to trigger this defense many times against the boy's body. Bethlehem in the murder of Mary, while the port were weeping, the press reported in small columns or is not reported, as in the case of the newspaper La Provincia, which at that time showed subservient to the establishment. Also when the media to a greater extent after the days, wondered why the presence of relatives of port at that demonstration and justified the move as the result of a fortuitous situation of abuse.

Given the above, I think would be appropriate to the thinkers Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton , which posed as them are functions mass communication: to provide and legitimize the social status of individuals and groups, implement social norms by publicly exposing deviant behavior and drug to the audience. Although all three functions are applicable to the press Canarian moment on the second, to implement social norms by publicly exposing deviant behavior. And according to this hypothesis, a deviant behavior in the Canaries is the idea of \u200b\u200bnational liberation, which repress and criminalize them.

anti campaign rally has begun. The dye insular and conservative Spaniards and the smell of different Cuban newspapers are evident when they talk about something they considered deviated from the official beliefs. Canarias 7 speaks of the independence movement from Tenerife to Gran Canaria, and the influence of fascist thesis of The Day The Province, with its line anticanaria and island, takes every opportunity to fight and refute the idea sovereigntist in several articles. The day, boosted by the rest of the press, trying to build an advocate of social events for independence, without abandoning the island and right-wing air. El Diario de Avisos, removed from time to time, publishers repressors, almost no theoretical foundation. And finally the Opinion de Tenerife, true to the tactics anticanaria of the Province, also belong to Editorial Prensa Ibérica, adjusting the speech to what they want to hear in Tenerife. Of course, it is clear to read the press, because their idea biased, can confuse a people accustomed to following orders.

Despite all this background of secrecy, typical of a colonial society, mixed with the aircraft maintenance system, created by neoliberal globalization, the Canary Islands to fight and not surrender will be there on 6 March at the Plaza Bethlehem Mary. The fight has only just begun. Although there is repression and criminalization history says that the proposals just always reactionary overcome all barriers. In addition, fighting taking place in the collective memory which they sit, they go unnoticed.