English judicial forces have been summoned to a militant Azarug. The reason for this call, is an alleged crime committed in the summer of 2006, during protests by the display of the banner of the Conquest in Aguere.
Through a statement, the youth organization Azarug shows its solidarity to the summons of the provincial court of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in a case that occurred more than three years. The indictment calls for the youth, imprisonment and a fine for civil liability. The events complained of colonial justice, are the alleged attack on a member of the English police and resisting arrest.
Protests over the removal of the display of the banner of the Conquest of La Laguna, had a major conflict in the beginning the past decade. In 2005, this controversial conclusion of the Canary defeat, was suppressed by the pressure of social groups and politicians. However, next year again to celebrate. Azarug remained an important activity in the demand for its eradication, to which in that year, the repressive forces deployed an exorbitant amount of units. The attacks on demonstrators, were a constant throughout the peaceful march.
According to sources close to the young man consulted for this blog, the Azarug militant denies this aggression. In addition, several opinions de diversa procedencia, apuntan que esta citación criminaliza las ideas y no unos hechos no probados. La página web amiga, Nación Canaria , dice que su delito es "manifestarse pacíficamente contra la humillación de nuestro pueblo. Un ejemplo de la represión españolista que no cesa, toda nuestra solidaridad y apoyo a nuestro compañero". También ha denunciado los hechos la página web de izquierda independentista catalana, Alerta Solidària .
El Policía que ha denunciado al joven activista, estuvo de low after the event. Now, more than three years later, the English Justice believes that such low costs should be borne by the boy.
also remember that it is not the only case of police repression English young members independence. For Thailo, Azarug activist, is probably the most significant. In this case, we tried to apply the Terrorism Act in a case like dealing with information. But that is not the thing. Several sentences of fines, arrests and even request domicialiarios prison, young repress independence, to participate in certain events or by making graffiti.