Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Difference Between Lyme Rash

Azarug 2010

2009 has been so intense that one can hardly realize the amount of things that have happened. The 2010 is presented as more loaded yet. The symbolic year of decolonization in all territories worldwide, the thirtieth anniversary Publication of the book "Psychology of man canary and 30 years will be met in July of murdering the girl Bethlehem Mary, presents us with an important year of struggle for our national memory and our rights . The year we finished Amagua and saddened by the death of Richard Smallwood, whose legacy must be maintained in future years.

Many images can be defined in 2009, was 2959 of Amazigh. So it is difficult to group them. He improvised on Route Tagoror Bentejuí, talking about the future of our country, the May 1 pro-independence and socialist, who walked up to La Isleta Square Canary Aguere these streets filled with people shouting "Independence", in what was the highlight of the year. But I was left with an image, perhaps because of recent or perhaps sentimental: I speak of the tribute to Paco Bello in La Garita 22 and 23 December. See a people honoring a loved one, shouting "Viva Paco, Viva Canarias Libre, see the giant tricolor annexing the Plaza de La Garita, while echoing the legendary" Ach Guñach "Taburiente and delivery of the thanked citizens work of a unique being, remain in the retina of the people teldense and canary in general. Loss no dependency of the priest, as he liked to be called, is irreplaceable, but his legacy should be a guide and reference for this people, often orphaned examples. It's hard to think that when we visit the La Garita, we will not be able to talk with someone so dear, good militant and better person, as it was Paco. Hopefully the City Council granted Telde people's desire for a plaque and a bust remember the priest died. Tanemirt Paco.

Looking back is a positive and rewarding exercise, but the future is that it marks the course of life. And 2010 is there. The UN declared 2010 as the symbolic year of the decolonization of the occupied territories. That does not mean that you start a process of liberation, much less. It is a good year of struggle and pressure. Spain has never acknowledged his crimes against humanity in any country in the world, or the genocide in America, even biological warfare in the Rif. Therefore, it will not recognize the genocide against the Pueblo Canario, much less going to accept the recognition of the Canary Islands as a colony in international organizations. Proof of this is the attack on Antonio Cubillo in 1978, when he had secured the support of the OAU and was about to get the UN to start a calendar of decolonization. There are different types of cities, the English State is the kind of metropolis hugs you and you have to do the dirty war to maintain a territory under its yoke, and testing will therefore have to spare. Therefore, it urges us to realize our long-term one, putting the seed today for the sovereignty of the future.

2010 is also the year of the thirtieth anniversary of the first edition "Psychology of Man Canario" , book to understand the psyche of settler the Canary Islands. German Manuel, another cleric certainly deserves a fair tribute to his great work for the cause Canaries. Also meet in July, 30 years after the murder by the Guardia Civil, 16 year old girl, Maria Belén. The memory of the fallen of our people by colonialism must be remembered just as they were sufferers of the English state repression, in its offensive against people when they wanted to raise, has always been the marginalization and attack police.

2010, the year of 2960 was Amazigh, is presented as a year major struggle. The liberation movement of the Canarian people, it should provide ways to counter the colonial oppressor in this town west of the African continent should be on the street, to remember their memory, their heroes, their dead, to persist in the struggle must against a constant way of life established by the media and public statements and should be armed with new projects to counter the oppression of a press media endófoba partial. 2010 is here and hopefully the sun of freedom, our Magec, is close to this earth to enlighten a little closer. The Fortress of Knowledge, from this place, or wherever, will encochinado tying a thread on that freedom, which soon may become a strong rope and smooth.

Happy 2010/2960.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Secundino Delgado was compensated by the Spanish Government

Such compensation was granted in 1905 for his wrongful imprisonment

The hero of the nation Canaria, Secundino Delgado Rodriguez, received 12,500 pesetas as compensation in December 1905. This historical fact has been released by the Centennial Association Secundino , dedicated to rescuing this historical memory and is greatly appreciated access to information. El Tiempo newspaper reported in its issue number 798 of December 5, 1905: " A claim by the Cuban government, the English cabinet has been compensated twelve thousand five hundred pesetas to our colleague in the press Secundino Delgado D. for having been unjustly imprisoned in Madrid order of General Weyler " .

taken note with this information to light, that the pursuit of butcher of Cuba against the writer and political activist natural Arafo (Tenerife), did not go unpunished, even for colonial justice itself. Recall the statement that in 2003 received by Antonio Cubillo assassination attempt by two gunmen from the English government. Therefore, we see it is the English State that recognizes their oppression against anyone who seeks to break the political framework in the Canaries.

also deduce that the Cuban government's actions was essential for its former mother recognized the unjust imprisonment start, lest we forget, one of the fighters for the independence of Haiti, under which was captured by General Valeriano Weyler.

To follow new ephemeris and information that may arise in Secundino Delgado, please refer to:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Much Liability Insurrance Cost For A Handyman

Chronicle of a murderer who did not kill anyone

Pongo in history of the events: a 3 year old girl called Aitana, died Nov. 26. Doctors said the girl had been raped and had been burned. Without any proof,
except the declaration of the doctors, the Judicial Police of the Guardia Civil of Playa de las Americas, arrested the couple in the girl's mother. From there came the widespread skid
of newspapers and public opinion. The newspaper ABC, commented on its front page on Saturday that: "The eyes of the murderer of a girl of three years" . With this headline, ignoring the presumption of innocence and comes to sensationalism to attract the curiosity of the reader. Ordinary newspapers expressed in these terms, as we see on the cover of Thursday and Friday of the Province of Las Palmas-Journal, as usual, going to tabloid sensationalism.

Where is the journalistic ethics? Where is the good use of the medical profession? Where is the presumption of innocence of Justice? All in all. However, before a reportable incidents and horrific as these, public opinion did not realize the seriousness of what was happening.

was later shown that the boy was innocent and that the doctors had lied. Turns out the girl fell off a swing and not treated with importance the fall. This accident caused a stroke that caused his death. The alleged burns, were psoriasis . With this discovery, everything came down: the social unrest of a terrified population, detention and harassment by the Guardia Civil, the viciousness of the media age. Everything was in innuendo and chapters of novels, Agatha Christie's own.

Who was to blame for this spectacular embarrassment? First the doctors who treated the case. Beat mercenaries, supported with good salaries, they have in hand the health of humans. Obviously, not a question of covering the entire estate doctor, because it would be unfair, but in this case meet the above description perfectly. By not acknowledging a mistake, an innocent young man blamed for something terrible, charging all the ethics that should carry the exercise of their profession. And still to the fore, the Mercedes Roldós Health Council, which has not even been made to develop an investigation. By principles and dignity, should resign. The embarrassment has brought this case, you have to make heads roll makers.

Secondly, we find the legal establishment. Without an investigation, arrested the young Diego. The judge, in the light of medical reports only, extended the arrest of Diego. In addition, public exposure, open face, the detainee before the cameras, was little more than a public lynching. The insults of the residents of Arona, on suspicion of the unfounded allegations of such despicable acts, by the false charges, it is the wrong course of their work, by the forces of repression.

Third, journalists. In the images, we can see the tabloid and pretentious cover the English daily ABC and information on the front page of Thursday and Friday in the newspaper La Provincia. Have skipped all the codes of ethics of the profession they practice. Since then, a journalist can not reproduce as scrupulously official sources, or in this case or any. Official sources may be interested or may not be correct, as is the case. Through FAPE (Federation of English Press Associations) and Tinerfeña Press Association, have apologized, but not enough. It's a bit hypocritical and heartfelt apology, for this time could not fix it, to cling to their theses. The media that surrounds us, both in the Canaries, as the English State, is intoxicated by the company's business, sensationalism and ambition of speaking louder than the other. A good way to protest against these merchants of the information is not buying any of the newspapers they represent: none of the Mass Media, or English or "canaries" (in quotes endófobas obvious reasons), step forward and un- This cheap merchandise, which is burying the dignity of the profession.

The picture we have, is the young man with serious psychiatric problems. "is broken, can not sleep, vomiting and trembling. Needed psychiatric treatment and their condition is becoming increasingly worrying " says Diego attorney. The damage is irreparable. There is no compensation that can receive, to fix the broken image, and for ever from this young man. More than one is expected to fall heads in shame and if there is a modicum of dignity, now you should start a parallel trial, against doctors, petty, cruel and liars who produced an erroneous report, against officials of the judiciary and Police did not open a proper investigation and then if appropriate, detain the young and against journalists, responsible for bad information that encouraged violence in generating public opinion. We know that none of this will happen: I bet everything will be uncovered, such as hiding away under the bed. A bed is already full of garbage.

More information: