Thursday, October 29, 2009

Strongest Antibiotic For Prostate

Echoes of the 24-O

* 1
It promised much the manifestation Last Saturday 24 October in Aguere . And certainly not disappoint. It took several days to write this article because I was gathering information and thinking how she would approach this article. These days, readers and readers of this humble blog, has been much talk of independence, much of what has been talk for several years, at least in the Mass Media.

The number of people attending the march, vary according to the sources, the organizers talking about 16,000, of 2,500 local police and the English Police 600 attendees. Finally, participants are estimated at about 3,000, assuming one of the most mass in recent years in the city of Tenerife. It was at a peaceful demonstration, which was chanted slogans like "not sold Canary, Canary Islands defends" , "Viva Gran Canaria" , "This flag is the real" and especially many cries of "Independence" . The presence of young, remember the conveners without initials, was very large, which predicts a major human contingent in the Struggle for National Liberation in the coming decades.

significance of the event:

In a colonial society and depoliticized the possibility of bringing together 3,000 people for national freedom cry, is a major achievement. Furthermore, the presence in unity of different political groups, mainly youth, is great news for working in unity.

* 2 Beyond what can be achieved in the short term and beyond 2010 as the supposed year of Independence, the 24-O is a before and after in the modern National Liberation Struggle for the Canary Islands. From here, the movement is knowing that you can go out and collect thousands of people. The tendency to self-marginalization that have all the ideas anti in the Canaries, requires accolades as last Saturday to know that they must be seen and go out. Ideas can be marginalized, but never eradicate .

hope this national demonstration unit will be the beginning of resurgence of the independence movement in the Canary Islands, often discouraged by social injustice political, cultural and economic prevailing.

media communication :

* 3 The ultimate expression of coloniality in the Canaries, is usually the press. A press fed by stereotypes españolistas and wrapped in the interests of the group that is behind his newspaper. Dignity, truth, journalistic ethics and love for the profession, are criteria that are hidden in their portfolios, without any hope of appearing at some time . Manipulation to tell what the lines of their newspapers want, are the order of the day and come to confuse opinion information * 4.

Daniel Millet started the war. This journalist Iberian Press Group, was commissioned to chronicle for Review Tenerife and The Province . In a cluster of demagogic and malicious expressions, the pseudoperiodista finds all the arguments that you can to minimize the impact of the event. Recurs in the text, the relationship allegedly having Day with the event and gives undue importance and antiperiodística , to an isolated event that occurred with a protester carrying a placard against the pathetic and Day pretentious is his article in The Province, other than that of La Opinión. In his presentation, said that for the demonstrators was the same Canary Island that scoundrel , as clearly false, since there were even alive for Gran Canaria. Day and online Ultrainsularista and fascist, is serving the press deligitimise Struggle for Independence: no independence seriously, can support this pamphlet, which now plays at being sovereigntist.

The royal English newspaper ABC spoke of "failure" . The fascist tendencies of the day, are well known. The unity of Spain is one of its ideological pillars and all that is in question the unit, it is worth smear by centralizing repressed.

Finally, this brief review to biased atrocities have said Mass Media English and English in the Canaries, the written comment by Francisco Pomares. I put in a situation of who is this guy: Francisco Pomares, is a English journalist who has spent several years in the Canary Press. His stubbornness and criticize everything smells a canary, it takes almost , calling us bastards in one of his last articles , which says the alleged "discovery " that our people are of Berber origin . Inspired by this article, Octavio Hernández laments the burning of his library .

Now one would expect, and its national cross-Catholic against all the Canary Islands, which very Santiago Matamoros, leaves us a pearl on his blog. Criticism is based on the demonstration, marginality of it (even said it was likely there were more people on the beach where he was the day of the march) in handling kids Canarian Coalition and other " independence factions" and of course, uses the hackneyed argument orchestration of The Day, absorbing this concentration, with the racist marches past years created by the newspaper El Dia same as always. That period could be devoted to writing novels of terror, for their ability to cause uncontrollable panic to the intelligence and ability to invent things, make it a potential Stephen King , canary-Madrid.


The event was historic, not only by the number of people who came to her, but has the echo. Discussed in the mass media communication of Independence and a depoliticized society and slave of the mortgage and the letter of the car, he has realized there are people who struggle to improve the Canaries. Beyond the fascism of the Day and several other leading roles, the intelligent reader will appreciate that there is a political movement back there.

* 1: head of the demonstration and slogan.
* 2: the presence of young people, was crowded .
* 3: The writer and academic canary Víctor Ramírez , was one of those attending the rally.
* 4: Article by José Manuel de Pablos Coello on information sources. Especially interesting in this case, Section 8, which begins on page 127.

Sources and information:

photos extraídas From

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Does This Sticker Mean?

The National Flag, between assimilation and Plan

When watching a flag, usually always ascribe to any particular political sensitivity, to a people and a people. We can also identify enemy countries, and other annoyances. The National Flag Canaria, tricolor with seven green stars, has been from its inception on October 22, 1964, the flag of independence. Therefore, the flag of a country.

MPAIAC The Congress, the same day of the year 64, found this design for the flag of the Canary Islands. Using the colors of the flag of Free Canary, white, blue and yellow, created years before, but the blue was going to be more of a lighter blue and he inserted the seven green stars representing the seven major islands that form the archipelago. Since then, the flag was adopted as national emblem Canarian population.

same time, in 2005, Coalition Canaria adopted at its Third National Congress, this flag. Apart from this training regionalist parties which are not defined independence as New Canarias, Centro Canario Nacionalista and some parties and organizations of the same nature have also received this flag in recent years.

This can have two effects: firstly, the dissemination of this flag is power, to be used by as many people as possible. Remember that this is the flag of any and all canaries. However, the other effect is that our National Flag lose their meaning and their struggle. Assimilation is dangerous and a depoliticized people at a general level, people tend to forget the meaning of things. Furthermore, its use and employment should bear at least a respect for the fallen and oppressed to defend that flag that many.

Can you imagine this with the English flag on public buildings in the Canary Islands? That's the idea of \u200b\u200bmany regionalist misnamed nationalists, including the President himself in the Canaries, Paulino Rivero, who said that if it gets absolute majority, the flag will be autonomous. When he talked of flags and enemies just referred me to this. The tricolor flag of the seven green stars coexisting with the English, ignoring the genocide of our people, economic dependency, the chief of the Canary Islands or English lords allied to them, how to oppress us into ghettos and social, economic and labor, etc. A real disgrace to the Canarian people, which I hope never takes place. Which is next to the red and yellow flag of the dogs, that does define the colonial character of the Canaries.

Our National Flag has a revolutionary, reformer, liberator if I allow the expression. Despite its acceptance today, is still subject defines a canary and still rising nationalist hackles upper classes and bourgeois associated settler colonialism. This flag means the struggle of a people, the awakening of a country, silent for centuries, without references, without symbols and that began to meet with the creation of this flag an October 22, 1964. Forever, we are not sure, FLAG THIS MEANS INDEPENDENCE .

XLV Happy Anniversary National Flag!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jaw Pain Allergic Reaction

Canary revolutionary character, a deception

Video speaking of the new tax scam on the English colonial government and canary: Canary Plan, that it is on the same strategies that have led to the Canary Islands this desperate situation.

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Much Does Gum Grafting Cost Canada

517 years of genocide and the wound remains closed

Again "celebrates" a new 12 October, Columbus Day, which actually celebrates the "greatness" Spain. Or maybe in terms that we can understand the poverty of spirit in a state that still basking in the greatest genocide in human history, which was the conquest of America.

This "celebration" is still carried out in many parts of Latin America's self-conscious. I say self-conscious, because usually the English Creoles and assimilated bourgeoisie who carry out this celebration. This situation forget their ancestors murdered at the hands of the settlers who are paying tribute today to their descendants, clear feature of the psychology of colonization, embodied in the celebration of the death of their ancestors. This situation is completely unnatural endófoba in the valuation of a village itself.

coexist side by another brave American. America, which resisted English colonialism in many bloody and wild sides until after decolonization. That American Indian and socialist who fought for their land, from the time the shoe to the Bolivia of Evo Morales or Chavez's Venezuela. That combative America calls this day the Day of Indigenous Resistance , just and necessary recognition that human contingent that fought tooth and nail against invaders who scored a mark forever burned into the hearts of a people dedicated revolutionary.

In the Canary Islands there are people celebrating this infamous day. In the Alameda de Colón in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, military, police and other wildlife related to anti-democratic ideas that have always marked the history of a country murderer, gather each morning of 12 October to get their evening dress and go to a petty act. In a celebration of what they call Hispanic , a device handler to try to pull up to the exploited countries yesterday and today, the English cultural racism, read speeches devoid of any hint of democracy and sound pasodobles and the English national anthem.

La Alameda de Colón is filled with employees of the repressive state forces in the colonial territory, which they call Region Canary and police secrets, trying to avoid any hint of negative opinion in a country they call democratic . The ways of the police, 517 years later, is reminiscent of mercenaries and English soldiers in any war of conquest. Their attitude is arrogant and overbearing and its breach of any democratic idea, is evident. The colonial government delegation in Las Palmas, does not accept any kind of protest against and put at the service of characters of dubious moral standing, all your efforts to control the people who think differently. The ideas are pursued without mercy in a colony like this West Africa.

Nothing has changed, dear dear reader or reader of this humble blog. Today, as they still want to maintain control of the territories they consider his . 517 years and the wound does not close, indeed, the rule of the day war began in America and shipped in the Canaries and will only end when all the colonies get their true sovereignty.

Solidarity with the People Latin America and rejection of colonialism anywhere in the world.

leave then the stub article Spain Deconstructing , which speaks of a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Day Canary

The concept of Hispanidad:

Each October 12, 1492, is celebrated on Columbus Day or Dia de la Hispanidad. That October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus came to America, then committed one of the greatest genocides in human history. That is what is being celebrated that day.

The term Hispanic, encompassing all territories in Latin America, sponsored by the mother country, Spain. They speak of a common origin, an alliance of civilizations sisters. The reality is quite different, since it includes an account of a country's ruler, stagnant in the old idea great empire and a relatively young nation, whose development often is hampered by European and American imperialism.

For those coincidences of life, fell into my hands a book containing various conferences of Columbus Day in 1976 and 1977 in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria . In her act Lorenzo Olarte Cullen, the veteran political turncoat and canary, Ephraim Suber, a Venezuelan writer Luis Manuel Peñalver, educator and scientist, also from Venezuela. I will analyze each performance of each of the speakers:

Lorenzo Olarte Cullen, Community of Spirit:

political veteran explained in his speech the need to work together under the tutelage of Spain, as a mother country and America as the continent's ongoing relationship with Canary. Here is some excerpts:

"As we combine the English and American sense of indivisible brotherhood. Hispanic is not a concept in our islands multipurpose accommodative or services of opportunity: a overwhelming evidence of identity and communication. "

seems that Mr. Olarte, the canary not exist. So, what is the Canary Islands suggests is influenced in Spain and Latin America, ignoring our inner development and our continuing ancient relations with Africa Or is that already we are to speak Castilian and English?

"The U.S. is and has always been constitutive of the canary, canary as inserts and imbues fruitfully in the Americas."

I agree with that statement, but that is led by Spain's role or a relationship of mutual support canary and Latin American people many centuries ago?

"Being and time for those who are united by the language of Castile, begin to retrace the footsteps lost and find our future."

I said, raises the speech of the English language as a link to the feeling Hispanic. As if the Jamaicans and South Africans should feel English, speak English only. "Commitment to a culture that began Oct. 12, five centuries ago." Well, this is a clear colonial claims.

Ephraim Suber, Spain in America. Under the Sign of the Discovery Flow:

speaks of the feeling of the Hispanic in America focusing on the case of Venezuela. Some excerpts:

"Sometimes America to Spain and cried that unfortunate incursion of fraternal blood. But it also came to mind and even to deny Spain, not realizing it was a bit negate itself. "

This man, as we shall see, belongs to this stream of American thought, believed to be belonging to a common origin with Spain. This, obviously, as I say the killing of Native American populations and non-indigenous when they wanted to get rid of the English colonial shackles.

"Everything had its origin in the good war that achieved political freedom, and under the English wars."

justifies anti-English sentiment in America, who apologizes for having had bad feelings for a country that executed many killings in the Americas.

"The English are particularly characterized by its diversity."

As diverse is that what is considered by the imperialists, "the English" are totally different cultures.

"The conquest and colonization of America is too complex to judge: Legend or monster black or white legend of saints."

Without words.

"You think in words (...) and anyone who thinks a child in English, the English think, believe it or not, sepal or did not know and do not run even a single drop of English blood in their veins. "
Quoting Miguel de Unamuno.

For this approach, a Puerto Rican is English and the English thought, like a Cuban, a Dominican and a Bolivian. However, a Basque boy learns from Euskara, with almost no knowledge of Castilian, not English, as a Catalan or Galician. Is that they contradict themselves ...

"With English forms is as we have entered the Western civilization."

Yes, enslaved by the Repsol and Telefónica Do you really want such a development the Latino community?

"Our beautiful ancient culture of Hispanic roots, now acculturated, is giving way to a neo-colonialism that threatens to make us just a foreign colony."

This man obviously ancient Indian culture. And then, seems to be sold to English colonialism not to be an Anglo-Saxon neo-colony. Colonized syndrome.

"We can not continue to suffer the shame of not knowing who is with us without knowing who we need, in any island of the islands in any region of the Peninsula, in any country of America. "

exist in these sites, many different peoples and cultures that the author's obvious pretending, wearily in the unity of what he calls the "Hispanic."

The rest of the speech deals with the historical fraternal ties which I have already mentioned, refers to the relationship with Venezuela, the Canary Islands as a result of the two territories Hispanic and speaks the English language as which vertebra unit of the territories which they speak.

Luis Manuel Peñalver, The Latin American spirit and the Latin American and Caribbean integration:

Luis Manuel Peñalver, talks about the history of Latin America and Spain, and links. Then also makes an allegation of twinning between towns, the only guarantor of social peace in the world, interwoven with the twinning of all people he calls "Hispanics." Here are some excerpts:

"(...) between Spain and Portugal-the noble Iberia and America, taking in the Canary Islands as a pivot pole, interests and feelings imperative shared by Iberian roots of old and new and constantly renewed, found planted in the World. "

Versa expressed the idea that Lorenzo Olarte. Spain Canary is half and half American, but we have no development or internal culture. And that we're islands ...

"(...) cultural penetration almost always interactive in two ways: imposed by the dominator in attempt to establish their dominance, and infiltrated, subtly but powerfully, by the people before it, many times it was a cultural invader conqueror. "

Without words.

"Spain heads the Discovery (...) own integrity by giving it a sign."

A sign of strength-based integrator and cultural, economic and religious.

"Religion is the backbone of the conquest and colonization."

Is this not called fundamentalism religious? Mean little more than "less bad we evangelized, if we would not be an ignorant and uneducated."

Well, on the other, speaks of "international solidarity", understood in the covenant of Latin American nations, without giving back to their motherland, Spain and the mixture itself Latin American community.

last October 12:

Video Information on 12 October: